Identity | Part 2 | Where Do I Belong?

Vineyard Groningen Sermons
Vineyard Groningen Sermons
Identity | Part 2 | Where Do I Belong?

We all have a deep inner need to know others and be known by others.
Whether you trace this back to a pre-historic context where exclusion meant immanent death or early childhood development and attachment theory and oxytocin – it all points to the same thing: we are wired for community.

This is why we find it important to ‘fit in’ and connect to others with similar values or hobbies. And this is also why the deepest hurt we can experience comes from relationships – a parent that didn’t hear you, classmates that excluded you, a boss that bullied you or a relationship that ended in tears.

God invites us to know Him and experience being known by Him. And He invites us into His family, the community of believers, where we can belong through knowing others and being known by others.