
Ephesians | Chapter 3 | Let THAT sink in

01 September 2024

There is something that needs to ‘sink in’ to the heart of every Christian.
If this doesn’t happen – we continue to feel powerless to the struggles we face.
If this doesn’t happen – we continue to feel shame over what we’ve done
If this doesn’t happen – we continue to feel guilt over that habits we just can’t shake.
If this doesn’t happen – we will always continue to feel unworthy, unloved and unwanted in the family of God.

What needs to sink in is simply that what the Bible says about us is actually true.

How God sees us – needs to become how we see ourselves.
What is theologically true about us, needs to become our experienced reality.
What we know needs to make that 10-inch drop from the head to the heart.

When this sinks in, a whole new world is in front of us.
If that never really sinks in, we will get stuck.


Ephesians | Chapter 2 | Grace and the Renewed People of God

25 August 2024

In the letter to the Ephesians, the apostle Paul is working out the implications of grace. He wants us to understand what grace means and how we can live in response to to grace.

In today’s message, we will talk about how grace reforms us to live as the renewed people of God. And this works out on two levels; the individual level and at a communal level of the church.

This message will have one theme, but be in two parts. We are first going to work out how grace reforms you and me to live as the new humanity. And then, we will look at how that same grace reforms us at a communal level into the renewed people of God.


Ephesians | Chapter 1 | The Gift Of Grace

18 August 2024

In the letter to the Ephesians, one of Paul’s purposes is to help the readers understand the huge implications of grace. You are saved by grace, not by works, but then, what are you saved for? In this first message, we are unpacking two big words: election and inheritance, and see how they relate to the purpose of our salvation.


Called to Come & Called to Go

21 July 2024

In this message, we see in the stories of the prodigal son and the Ethiopian eunuch, God’s two-fold calling: to come to Him first because He is our loving Father, then to go out and preach Jesus as Philip did.


What does it mean to walk in His unconditional and steadfast love on a daily basis?

14 July 2024

We often talk about the importance of God’s love, but what does it mean to walk
in His unconditional and steadfast love on a daily basis? This sermon looks to the
books of Jeremiah and Lamentations to uncover the character of God and his
undying love for His people. We see that this love is not a currency to be given or
withdrawn based on behavior or belief. God doesn’t use it that way. He doesn’t
use HIMSELF that way. Because God gave Himself fully, because Jesus died for
our sins, freely we have received love and freely we can give love without fear of
aligning ourselves with sin. We don’t need to have all of the answers before we
are allowed to love.


What’s in Your Hand?

30 June 2024

What is it God gave you in your hands? This Sunday we looked at the story of Moses and the feeding of the multitude and what we can learn from what they did with what was in their hands.
