
What’s in Your Hand?

30 June 2024

What is it God gave you in your hands? This Sunday we looked at the story of Moses and the feeding of the multitude and what we can learn from what they did with what was in their hands.


Cultivating a Hunger for God | Part 1

02 June 2024

The church of Ephesus received some pretty strong words from Jesus in Revelation 2; “you have abandoned the love you had at first”. What happened? And how can you and I make sure to (re)turn to that first love?
In this message, Koen teaches through the history of the church of Ephesus and talks about how we can build a culture of prayer in the church, building from the root of intimacy with Jesus.


True Story | Part 16 | Pentecost

23 May 2024

In this message, we are studying the event of Pentecost as described in Acts 2, talking about three major shifts that took place: 1) from local to global, 2) from law to Spirit, 3) from some to all.


True Story | Part 14 | Ascension

05 May 2024

What do we celebrate on Ascension day, and why is it so significant? As we are talking about the Ascension, it makes us rethink heaven and earth, and how they relate to each other. Rather than Jesus’ disappearance from the earth, leaving it behind for us to deal with it further, the Ascension actually means that Jesus is taking His seat in the control room. The Ascension is His coronation, and it marks the start of a new age.
