Life After Pentecost | Part 5 | Empowered to Transform

Vineyard Groningen Sermons
Vineyard Groningen Sermons
Life After Pentecost | Part 5 | Empowered to Transform

Our understanding of the Gospel is far too individualistic and far too narrow.

Through various developments in theology, sociology and culture, we have primarily come to understand the Gospel as a message about personal salvation;
grace + faith = going to heaven when you die.

But the Gospel is much more than that. The Gospel of Jesus Christ, the good news about the Kingdom is about transformation. The transformation of lives, of families, cities and generations.

In this message, we are going to talk about 1) where transformation starts, 2) what it requires and 3) how it continues. And these principles will apply to bigger and smaller settings; as small as a family or a group of friends, and as big as a country. It could apply to your small group, your neighbourhood, your work place or your school.

However big or small the setting is that you have in mind while listening, we believe that the Holy Spirit wants to partner with you to bring Kingdom transformation. And my prayer is that today’s message will inspire you for what this might look like for you.