Prayer | Part 2 | Talking with God

Vineyard Groningen Sermons
Vineyard Groningen Sermons
Prayer | Part 2 | Talking with God

If everything you prayed for this last week would happen in this coming week, would anyone notice?

You and I, we are invited by the Living God to partner with Him in prayer, to see His Kingdom come to earth, and to let His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

A word that is often used for this type of prayer is “intercession” which gives this picture of standing in the gap between heaven and earth.
Our feet planted firmly in the reality of a broken world, but our hands lifted high reaching to heaven and our spirits boldly appearing before God’s Throne of grace saying; Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Why is intercession so important in the Christian life, and how can we learn to make this part of our daily rhythm?