Ephesians | Chapter 3 | Let THAT sink in
There is something that needs to ‘sink in’ to the heart of every Christian.
If this doesn’t happen – we continue to feel powerless to the struggles we face.
If this doesn’t happen – we continue to feel shame over what we’ve done
If this doesn’t happen – we continue to feel guilt over that habits we just can’t shake.
If this doesn’t happen – we will always continue to feel unworthy, unloved and unwanted in the family of God.
What needs to sink in is simply that what the Bible says about us is actually true.
How God sees us – needs to become how we see ourselves.
What is theologically true about us, needs to become our experienced reality.
What we know needs to make that 10-inch drop from the head to the heart.
When this sinks in, a whole new world is in front of us.
If that never really sinks in, we will get stuck.
Ephesians | Chapter 2 | Grace and the Renewed People of God
In the letter to the Ephesians, the apostle Paul is working out the implications of grace. He wants us to understand what grace means and how we can live in response to to grace.
In today’s message, we will talk about how grace reforms us to live as the renewed people of God. And this works out on two levels; the individual level and at a communal level of the church.
This message will have one theme, but be in two parts. We are first going to work out how grace reforms you and me to live as the new humanity. And then, we will look at how that same grace reforms us at a communal level into the renewed people of God.
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In the letter to the Ephesians, one of Paul’s purposes is to help the readers understand the huge implications of grace. You are saved by grace, not by works, but then, what are you saved for? In this first message, we are unpacking two big words: election and inheritance, and see how they relate to the purpose of our salvation.
Read MoreCultivating a Hunger for God | Part 3
Cultivating a Hunger for God | Part 2
Cultivating a Hunger for God | Part 1
The church of Ephesus received some pretty strong words from Jesus in Revelation 2; “you have abandoned the love you had at first”. What happened? And how can you and I make sure to (re)turn to that first love?
In this message, Koen teaches through the history of the church of Ephesus and talks about how we can build a culture of prayer in the church, building from the root of intimacy with Jesus.
True Story | Part 16 | Pentecost
In this message, we are studying the event of Pentecost as described in Acts 2, talking about three major shifts that took place: 1) from local to global, 2) from law to Spirit, 3) from some to all.
Read MoreTrue Story | Part 14 | Ascension
What do we celebrate on Ascension day, and why is it so significant? As we are talking about the Ascension, it makes us rethink heaven and earth, and how they relate to each other. Rather than Jesus’ disappearance from the earth, leaving it behind for us to deal with it further, the Ascension actually means that Jesus is taking His seat in the control room. The Ascension is His coronation, and it marks the start of a new age.
Read MoreTrue Story | Part 13 | Church
There is nothing as powerful for the testimony of the Gospel in this world then the Church embracing its calling, and fully living out what Jesus envisioned for her.
And there is nothing more devastating for the testimony of the Gospel in this world then the Church neglecting its calling, and failing to live out what Jesus envisioned.
In this message, we explore Ephesians 2:11-22 to uncover three themes concerning the Church; one people, one family, one purpose.
Read MoreTrue Story | Part 11 | Identity
Identity is a hot topic in our world today. People tend to look in two different ways in their search for identity; outward and inward. Yet, as Christians, we can look another way for a sense of identity; upward. Our identity as children of God is not earned, performed, or discovered, but received.
It doesn’t rely on the approval of others or how you feel about yourself, it is imperishable and unshakable; whatever you do, whatever you say, however you feel, there is nothing or no one can ever take away from you.
You are a child of God.
In this message, we explore what Paul means in Romans 8 when he says we are children of God – adopted sons of God even. We are looking at the three purposes of the sonship identity; invitation to intimacy, call to vocation and a promise of inheritance.
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