Fasting | Part 4 | Stand with the Poor

The life of a disciple of Jesus, including all its rhythms and practices – such as we are discussing in this sermon series – are never only about the individual’s flourishing. Not only are those who eat the fruit of your flourishing relationship with God the main beneficiaries of your spiritual formation. The journey of…

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Fasting | Part 3 | Amplify our Prayers

Fasting and praying is just something we are called to do out of faith and obedience. And there is something that fasting unlocks, something that we access, something that Fasting is a mighty weapon God has given us to amplify our prayers, to be heard on high and to hear from on high. And perhaps…

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Fasting | Part 2 | Growing in holiness

John Wesley once said: “Why are we not more holy? Because we are enthusiasts that want the ends without the means.” Growing in holiness is a lifelong journey. And the practices – including fasting – provide the pathway on that journey to continue to grow and work out your salvation. In this message we are…

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Fasting | Part 1 | Offering ourselves to God

This is the opening message of a four part series with Practicing the Way about Fasting. Every world religion, and even Western non-religious spirituality recognises the physical and spiritual benefits of fasting. Also as Christians, we stand in a long tradition of fasting; the prophets, the apostles, the church fathers, the saints, reformers and revivalists…

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