Going Deeper – #4 Watch and Pray
Going Deeper – series on the
ListenGoing Deeper – #3 Your body matters!
Going deeper – series on the Spiritual Disciplines
ListenGoing Deeper – #1 A new spiritual reality
This morning Maurits kicked-off a new series of preachings Going Deeper on the practice of Spiritual Disciplines
ListenCome Holy Spirit
Come Holy Spirit
ListenThe search for builders | Nehemiah 1-3
God is looking for builders who want to build wholeness and unity nto a broken and torn apart world. They’re people like Nehemiah who build the broken wall of Jerusalem. They’re disciples of Jesus who take following Jesus seriously. We learn from Nehemiah some important steps in order to advance unity, wholeness, restoration and peace…
ListenBaptism – Clothe yourself with Christ!
Paul spoke in these verses in Gal. 3 about baptism as ‘clothing yourselves with Christ’. Meaning that it involves the deep spiritual implications of ‘putting all that Christ is and what He has done for us’. The clothes of Jesus are the clothes of his salvation, authority and discipleship. As we baptize today, we celebrate…
ListenGrace Changes Our Calling
Brooke Christensen from Vineyard USA, Vineyard Amsterdam is sharing with us how grace changes everything about our calling based on Galatians 6:1-10
ListenThe Spirit of Sonship: From Slaves to Sons and Heirs
A powerful message about the shift that takes place when you put your faith in Jesus Christ: from slaves to sons and heirs of God. In this ‘identity-shift’ the holy Spirit fulfils a powerful role as He is called the ‘Spirit of sonship’. Still many Christians are ‘afraid’ for God. But it’s exactly because of…
ListenReproducing Faith Bearers by Ministering to our Children
Guest speaker Crispin is sharing his message on how we are commanded to reproducing faith bearers by ministering to our children.